
LN: 1, Col: 1, Size: 0 bytes


LN: 1, Col: 1, Size: 0 bytes

URL Decoder

What is URL Decoding?

URL decoding is the reverse process of URL encoding. It converts encoded URL strings back into their original format, making them readable again. When URLs are encoded, special characters are replaced with a '%' followed by two hexadecimal digits. The URL decoder reverses this conversion, restoring the original characters.

Why Use Our URL Decoder?

Our URL Decoder tool quickly and easily decodes encoded URLs back to their original state. Whether you are handling long URLs, working with complex query strings, or analyzing encoded data, our tool makes the process fast and hassle-free.

How to Use the URL Decoder Tool

  1. Enter the encoded URL or text into the input field.
  2. Click the "Decode" button.
  3. Copy the decoded URL from the output field for immediate use!

Benefits of Using a URL Decoder

  • Retrieve original URLs from encoded data.
  • Simplify debugging for developers working with encoded URLs.
  • Easily decode URLs for web services, email campaigns, and social media links.